
Monday, November 29, 2010

Scrap Paper + Blender = ART!

Paper Making
November 29, 2010

Fourth grade students integrated art with other major subject areas including science, language arts and social studies through this paper making unit.  By placing paper scraps into old blenders with water, we were able to turn the paper back into its previous state of pulp.  Through this we discussed the different physical forms of matter, and also the significance of recycling to our planet.

Next, we incorporated the Native American culture by discussing how they were forced to make many things that they needed rather then purchase them at a store.  Lastly, these handmade papers with their design concepts included will serve as front and back covers to language arts journals that they will be using in Mrs. Walker's class.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010


Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Students were thrilled with our guest artist this past week, Ron White.  White is a high school art teacher and ice sculptor.  He has sculpted ice for high profile clients and has competed in numerous ice sculpting competitions around the world since 2000.  His art is phenomenal and can be viewed at  White used various sizes of chainsaws to carve out The Field Local Schools falcon "F" in our auditorium as students watched.  In a matter of minutes, a simple block of ice was chiseled into an elaborate work of art.  The ice sculpture was then saved and displayed on Saturday night at the football stadium as The Field Falcon football team hosted their first state play-off game in history against Youngstown Cardinal Mooney.  There were great accomplishments all around the Falcon community this week!  To see the footage of our guests artist you can visit