
Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Kent State Experience!

We closed our short week of school this week with a school wide field trip to Kent State University.  Our purpose for today's field trip was to use the Ludwig Recording Studio where our children recorded their voices singing pieces from The American Songbook.  This Songbook Project ( was coordinated by our music teacher, Mrs. Goldman.  Each grade level recorded two songs to compile onto a CD that will be produced and sold to our students and others interested.  Previous to this, a CD cover design contest was held and won by one outstanding sixth grade student shown below.

Throughout the day our students were enlightened by musical, visual and movement experiences.  They rotated through areas to learn dance numbers from The American Songbook and performed them in Kent State's Black Box Theater, with the help of Kent State dance majors (shown above).  The afternoon was spent touring the Fashion Museum on the university's campus, with its current exhibit of Audrey Hepburn's historical wardrobe.  

Once again, today's experience opened my eyes to how fortunate I am to be a part of this school, with these children and these experiences. 

And lastly, on a side note... I had so much fun in Mrs. Adelman's class this week assisting in a puppet making project through the use of juice cartons.  After laying the groundwork, Mrs. Adelman set her students loose to create.  The results?  Adorable and imaginative as usual.

Life is good when you get to get up everyday and go work and do something you love.  This week was no exception. 

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