
Friday, April 29, 2011

Getting Ready for School House Rock!

While our school chorus is vigorously practicing for their May performance of Schoolhouse Rock, we decided to work some visual magic and tackle the logo for the backdrop on this nine foot by twelve foot tarp.  Once again students are combining talents for amazing outcomes!  Also I just changed the work on display in our Student Art Gallery to reflect some of their latest creations.  Check out the photos down below or stop in and see it for yourself!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Robyn,

    I absolutely love the gridded oil pastel animals that you did with your 5th graders. I am hoping to do the same thing with mine for their next project; however, I'm a little stuck as to how to best do this, especially with differently sized animal images. I saw on your site that you seemed to have used a couple of different versions of a grid - one drawn on the animal photo with many small squares, and one on transparencies with larger squares. Could you email me when you get a moment with advice as to what process worked best for you? (grid approach, final paper sizing, etc?) My email is Thank you so much! Nora
